The Energy Issue: energy is in everything we do, speak, think, and feel.
To be human is to be sensitive to energy. Being psychic is about being sensitive to and/or aware of energy.
In this week’s post, I’m sharing a few thoughts and ideas about having an awareness of energy in daily life. How do we give and receive energy in our daily life? Also, what are some of the ways we can change the energy we don’t like?
Read on for the article.
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Thank you for showing up here. I hope that you are having fun being yourself!
Love, Kris
Energy is in everything we do, speak, think, and feel.
Your own unique energy is your life force, and is the best energy for you.
Like many of the people I’ve met and worked with over the last 25 years, I sought out help when I first started learning how to deal with and protect my energy. I knew that something in my life had to change, and it needed to start with me.
I was at a point in my life where it was obvious to me that I was taking on so much from other people, and had done so my whole life. But I didn’t know how to not do this, and realized I needed tools to help me. I wanted a good teacher. Happily, I found one, and stepped right onto the next part of my path. I signed up for a meditation class in 1999 that quite literally helped me change how I saw myself and my energy.
That class led me to a clairvoyant training, which led me to this psychic path I’ve been committed to for so long. I’m grateful for every bit of it, and especially grateful to my clients, students, and colleagues for how much I’ve learned from each of them.
To be human is to be sensitive to energy
Learning how to meditate helped me start to see my energy as a resource, one that is unique to me. I could have more or less of my own energy, depending on the circumstances in and around me. I started thinking in terms of having an ‘energy budget’, and becoming more aware of who and what depleted my energy, and also who and what helped me feel happily energetic, validated, and full of myself in a good way.
I started learning how to listen to my body. This is one of the most valuable awareness steps I’ve taken in my life.
I changed many of my relationships, and ended the ones that didn’t work for me anymore. The main relationship I updated and healed is the one with myself, which continues to improve and grow as I do. It’s a lifelong journey, this being human. Every day, every moment, and each of us is unique and different. That’s what makes it so much fun to be here and enjoy each other!
Along these lines, I want to talk about how we each manage and work with energy all day long, whether or not we’re aware of doing so.
A few examples of how and where we spend and receive energy:
Note: none of this is necessarily bad or good, it’s a reminder that everything is energy, and we need energy to live. Also, many of these concepts fit into more than one category.
Physical - our bodies are energy, and require a lot of energy. Some of these things might give us more energy, some deplete us: physical labor, driving in traffic, waiting in line, being around a lot of people, being alone most of the time, walking, sitting, working at a desk, gardening, sewing, cooking, cleaning, sickness, injury, chronic pain, working out, massage (also an emotional release), resting, dancing, hugging, physical trauma, loud noises, light pollution, air and water pollution, chemicals in our food, poor nutrition, poverty, abundance.
Emotional - we have emotional responses and often feel each other’s emotions. If the exchange is joyful, we receive, if it’s depleting, we feel drained: family, friends, partner, workmates, social media, love, creativity of all kinds, dealing with problems, listening to or watching the news, dealing with misogyny, injustice, hatred, racism, bigotry in all its forms, joy, laughter, grief, pain.
Mental - anxiety, happiness, anguish, mental illness, racing mind, overthinking, calm mind, peaceful thoughts, imagination, learning, solving problems, listening, writing, loneliness, depression, impatience, worry, frustration, fear, boredom.
Spiritual - letting go, meditation, trust, belief, love, mediumship, energy awareness, spiritual growth, surrender, joy, give and receive, healing, knowing, seeing, becoming, having, invalidation, validation, forgiveness.
This list is by no means complete. What would you add to your own energy list?
A few ways to change the energy in yourself and your space
Music always shifts energy for me. When I’m feeling really frustrated or stuck, listening to music can help me change that feeling into something more open and positive. Sometimes it’s modern Irish, sometimes dub, sometimes jazz - it all depends on what I need that day.
Movement. Dance, do yoga, walk, stretch, just get up and move!
Cleaning is one of my favorite ways to get stuck energy unstuck, in all kinds of spaces.
Meditation is a daily practice, and a great tool to set your energy for yourself daily.
Laughter is definitely the best medicine. Amusement, silliness, belly laughs all work.
Color is healing energy for me. I work with it as a psychic and healer, and also as an abstract artist. Color can dramatically shift energy quickly.
Cry if you need to. Wallow, be dramatic, get it all out.
Rest. Just stop trying hard and doing. Sit still, breathe, be.
Get rid of what’s not working, ie; let something go.
Say what’s on your mind, speak what you’ve been holding back.
Do something different and new. Find new influences.
Eat something delightful and yummy.
Call a friend, or hang out with people you can just be yourself around.
Meditation Recording: Color As Energy
You can work with color as a vibration of energy, and use it within yourself, as a way to create more space and healing, and also fun!
This guided meditation is about working with color as a self healing and consciousness tool. We’ll be working with simple meditation techniques, the key is to allow yourself to play, imagine, and create within yourself. $15.00 / 40 minutes
Foundation Meditation Class - personalized for you
I now offer one to one meditation classes. This is a 4 week class, one hour per week, by webcam with you and me. I’ll be leading you through your own personal meditation experience, teaching you a number of powerful and fun energy tools that are, literally, the foundation for turning on your clairvoyance. Sign up for this personalized meditation journey with me.
Inspiration for Energy Awareness
I will always remind everyone about Krista Tippet’s ‘On Being’ podcast! This recent episode really spoke to me, and goes with today’s energy theme quite nicely.
Thank you for reading and watching! Have a gorgeous week. Love, Kris